Apex: A New Level of Performance for dCS

by The Audio Beat | March 4, 2022

he Ring DAC has been the heart of every recent dCS digital-to-analog converter. With the new Apex version, dCS has made extensive changes to its venerable Ring DAC. With the exception of the resistor array, which remains unchanged, the latest-generation Ring DAC hardware is completely new. Specific changes include a reconfiguration of the DAC's circuit board and an all-new analog output stage. There are also modifications to the reference supply that feeds the Ring DAC, resulting in lower output impedance; enhancements to the filter, summing and output stages; and improvements to the symmetry of summing stages.

These changes are not simply the result of theory. Rather, as dCS conveys, they are the product of "exhaustive analysis and thorough investigation." "Alongside running quantitative tests using our bespoke equipment, we have carried out several rounds of subjective listening tests with music professionals and critical listening experts."

dCS is offering the Apex Ring DAC in new products and as an upgrade for earlier dCS products. New products include the Vivaldi Apex ($46,500) and Rossini Apex ($32,800) DACs, as well as the Rossini Apex integrated player ($36,800). Upgrades for both Vivaldi and Rossini DACs, and the Vivaldi One player, will begin in May. The cost of the upgrade is $9000 and includes new internal circuit boards as well as a new back plate that announces the inclusion of the Apex upgrade. dCS also has a special program for those who purchased products within the past six months. These audiophiles should check with their dealers for details.

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