Letters • March 2022

Modem and router for audio?

March 15, 2022


You may have an answer to this -- I recall you have a tech. background. My router/modem combo is the unit provided by my ISP, Verizon. Is a Netgear or other brand better, as opposed to the Verizon unit, for audio? Naturally my underlying thought is the effect, if any, on streaming.

Sheldon Simon

Your modem and router provide the connection and access to data, so there should be little or no effect on sound quality, as long as they are fast enough to provide the necessary throughput. You can probably buy a newer, faster modem and router than the ones you get from Verizon, and if you buy your own, you will own them, so you won't have to rent. I bought mine from Costco, which sells high-quality tech. and often doubles the warranty. Just be sure whatever model(s) you buy work with Verizon's service. There's probably a list of approved products on their website. -Marc Mickelson

Reader list

March 1, 2022


Please add me to your reader list. Thanks!

Gary Masters

You've been added. To join TAB's reader e-mail list and find out about new articles first, send e-mail to rl@theaudiobeat.com. -Marc Mickelson


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